Category Other

Barcelona vs Athletic Club. Three heavyweights benched by Xavi.

Manager Xavi is anticipated to rest up to three first-team players for Barcelona’s home match against Athletic Club, thanks to a virtually immaculate infirmary. With players recovering from injury, the Terrassa native is expected to put his bench to the test by resting a few key players. According to Cule Mania, players like Ferran Torres, Frenkie de Jong, and Sergio Busquets might be dropped. Ferran Torres, in all honesty, is…


C罗希望朗尼克能够做出改变,把策略改成将两名中锋放在锋线上,这样更有利于他在球队的表现。 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多最近9场比赛只打进1球,状态非常差强人意。他认为自己在前场得到的支持还不够。在曼联与马德里竞技的比赛中,C罗在禁区内只触球一次,曼联无法准确地将球传到C罗脚下。 罗纳尔多私下与朗尼克进行了沟通。朗尼克认为,目前的4-3-3阵型更适合球队。博格巴和B费在这个体系中都发挥出色,桑乔也找到了进攻意识。曼联在联赛中也取得了连胜,分别击败了利兹联和布莱顿,此时不需要改变战术。 另一方面,曼联在中锋位置上很紧张。卡瓦尼一直在伤病中恢复,而格林伍德目前因家庭暴力被曼联停赛,拉什福德状态处于下风。所以C罗打双中锋的想法可能很难实现。从以往来看上看,克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多确实更喜欢与高位中锋一起工作,此前他曾在皇家马德里与本泽马和尤文图斯的曼朱基奇一起工作。

Burnley vs Tottenham. Ben Mee scored the lone goal

The game at Turf Moor was called 50 minutes before it was supposed to start because there had been a lot of snow in the area. The pitch was deemed unplayable because it was so cold. Since they won 1-0 on their first visit to Burnley in October, Spurs will now make a third trip there this season. At Manchester City, Chelsea beat them 3-2 last Saturday. Antonio Conte and…


经过一段时间的调整,现在的巴萨终于成为了一支值得信赖的球队。 哈维的巴萨带来了一些疑虑,尽管他的到来带来了希望。担忧与其说是足球那方面,不如说是球队没有走上正轨。他们在欧冠、西超和国王杯中被强制出局。 巴萨在一月份引进了一些球员,但未能击败西班牙人和那不勒斯。这一次球队在梅斯塔利亚获胜,这是一个改变这一点的机会。巴萨做到了。他们以足球、效率和进球取胜。 巴萨提供了出色的进攻形象,完善了他们的射门,增强了他们的信心。 这不是一场容易的比赛,无论是球队的环境还是客场的气氛,但是这支球队极度缺乏的9号球员最终还是出现了。奥巴梅扬是一个可以打开罐子并帮助球队保持冷静的球员。他首发展现了自己的高水平,在比赛中梅开二度。在像这样对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中,拥有一名顶级前锋是绝对能发挥作用的。 巴塞罗那已经回到第四位,这场比赛带来了希望和信心。他们将在周四的欧洲联赛中做出生死决斗。

Awkward moments ever! Ronaldo’s son admit that MU bad

Cristiano Ronaldo JR, who has just joined Manchester United’s junior programme, has created controversy after acknowledging in a brief video that Manchester United’s recent dismal performance has prompted intense debate. A video was just re-posted on the internet. This is a Ronaldo video. Ronaldo may be embarrassed by what he said on the video. Ronaldo, dressed in a Manchester United shirt, converses with the photographer in the video. When asked…


自从加盟卡塔尔以来,巴黎圣日耳曼在法国赢得了一切,但还没有赢得俱乐部历史上的第一个欧冠奖杯。尽管如此,在欧冠四分之一决赛对阵皇家马德里之前,主教练波切蒂诺表示他们并没有感受到压力。 波切蒂诺说:“我们不会比皇马承受更大的压力。他们是历史上最好的球队之一,你永远不要低估他们。他们有时在欧冠中表现不佳,但他们仍然可以获胜。 ” 巴黎在欧冠中的最好成绩是2019/20赛季的亚军。波切蒂诺说:“俱乐部等了半个多世纪才称霸欧洲。我们不需要扮演弱者,但事实上皇马有赢球的习惯。” 本赛季,巴黎迎来了多次闯入皇马大门的梅西。教练直言期待这位7次金球奖得主的表现。 “在这样一个特殊的夜晚,他的才华和经验将得到展示。” 波切蒂诺也证实内马尔已经伤愈复出,但拉莫斯因伤无法上场。


C罗在社交网站INS上的粉丝已经超过了4亿。而据ESPN的统计,英超20队在INS上的粉丝相加,总共也只有2亿。C罗一个人的粉丝就达到了英超所有球队粉丝的两倍。此外,曼联的粉丝为5470万,C罗一个人的粉丝就是俱乐部粉丝的7倍。目前全世界的人口约70亿,差不多17个人中就有一个是C罗粉丝。 C罗走红的秘诀之一,就是他愿意在社交媒体上与其他领域的球迷和球星互动,这引起了球迷领域外众多球迷的关注。 2020年,C罗感染新冠病毒并因此被隔离,也引起了广泛关注。 期间,C罗还在社交媒体上直播了自己的情况,让公众了解他的隔离生活和康复情况。 当时,有上千万人在线观看了C罗的隔离直播。 一旦有了话题,就很容易增加粉丝。

Nike announces that MU player: Greenwood has officially released from contract.

Greenwood, the man who was arrested last week on charges of raping and assaulting his girlfriend, has been released on bail. The fallout from that arrest is still going on. Until further notice, Greenwood will not be able to play or train for Manchester United. Nike said in a statement last week that they “are paying close attention to these disturbing allegations and will keep an eye on the situation.”…

Specialize in World Wave! Di Maria’s last 4 goals are all important

In the 15th round of the South American region of the World Cup qualifiers, Argentina beat Chile 2-1 away, and Di Maria opened the scoring for the team. In the absence of head coach Scaloni, assistant coach Aimar, and the team’s top star Messi, it was Di Maria who stood up and scored the first goal for the Argentina team. In the 9th minute, DePaul passed the ball, Di Maria…

Mane’s goal got Senegal to the quarter-finals, but he had a head injury.

Liverpool striker Mane was taken to hospital for treatment after being injured in the African Cup of Nations, and he reported on social networking sites that he was safe. Senegal defeated Cape Verde 2-0 in the 1/8 final. Mane performed well, not only scoring a goal, but also getting a red card for one of the opposing players. However, he injured his head during the game and was taken to…