
非常感谢您的参与我们的竞猜活动,我们已经为您准备了一份备份邮件发送至您的电邮地址。请保管好您的备份邮件,若是得奖之后就可以出示该邮件作为您得奖的凭据。 如果您在电邮收件箱没有找到该邮件,您可以尝试在垃圾邮件箱里面寻找。

比赛成绩出炉后,我们也会有专人联络得奖者关于领取礼物的相关方式。 敬请期待!祝您好运!

Thank You for Your Participation

Thank you very much for participating the competition. We have prepared a copy of your choice had been sent to your email. Please keep nicely of the email, because when you win a prize, you need to present the email as your record for the prize. If you do not find the email in your Inbox, you can try to search it in your Spam or Junk Mail Box.

After the results of the competition, we will have person in charge to contact the winner about the ways for claim the prize. Stay tuned and wish you have a good luck!