Category LaLiga

Barça scores record high

In this round of La Liga, Barcelona beat Valladolid 4-0 at home. In the game, Barcelona’s new aid Rafinha contributed 1 assist. In the 24th minute, Rafinha made a cross from the right, and Lewandowski scored from close range. Rafinha’s contribution is obviously more than assists. After the game, he won the highest score of 8.8 points from the scoring website. In this game, Rafinha only played 61 minutes, and…

Barcelona secure runner-up seat

In this round of La Liga, Barcelona defeated Celta 3-1. Although they have long missed the La Liga championship, they have basically ensured the runner-up position. The runner-up position is also very important for Barcelona now, because the La Liga runner-up can participate in the Spanish Super Cup next season, and Barcelona can get about 10 million euros in revenue. In the La Liga standings, Barcelona currently ranks second with… send substitude Fight Espanyol

Saturday’s La Liga game against Espanyol at home, Real Madrid can lift the La Liga trophy this season as long as they get 1 point, but according to Spain’s “Aspen” report, considering the Champions League semi-final against Manchester City, and the ball The fact that there are many injuries in the team, Ancelotti may make a major rotation of the lineup, arranging a number of substitute players to play. In…

巴塞罗那 VS 加的斯

加的斯完成了西甲赛季最大的冷门之一,在诺坎普球场以 1-0 击败巴塞罗那。这三分将极大地推动加的斯降级到乙级联赛,同时也让巴塞罗那下赛季在欧洲冠军联赛中获得一席之地的努力变得更加复杂。 加的斯的制胜球是在中场休息三分钟后打进的,前阿森纳前锋卢卡斯佩雷斯在巴塞罗那守门员马克 – 安德烈特尔施特根停止对巴萨球门的背靠背努力后,在球门线附近将篮板球捆绑回家。 上半场打得很轻松的巴塞罗那在下半场的剩余时间里施加了压力,但加的斯门将杰雷米亚斯·莱德斯马每次被召唤时都表现得很出色。巴塞罗那让皮埃尔-埃默里克·奥巴梅扬、阿达玛·特劳雷和卢克·德容替补出场,但加的斯表现强劲。 加的斯在下半场创造了将领先优势翻倍的最佳机会。空位的亚历克斯·费尔南德斯(Alex Fernandez)的射门偏出,巴塞罗那的特尔施特根(Ter Stegen)的小费扑救以及巴萨的右门柱在三个不同的情况下使加的斯(Cadiz)脱离了篮板。加的斯在上半场也有最好的机会,但佩雷斯无法转换他的机会。 巴塞罗那现在是五分之内的五支球队之一,争夺剩余的三个冠军联赛席位。西甲领头羊皇家马德里将赢得另一场比赛,并且也以 15 分的领先优势接近 2021-22 赛季的冠军头衔,本赛季只剩下六场比赛(巴塞罗那也有一场比赛)。 巴塞罗那在西甲联赛中的失利仅在四天后,在主场对阵法兰克福的比赛中令人尴尬的欧罗巴联赛被淘汰出局。德国队以 3-2 获胜,但也有大约 30,000 名球迷闯入诺坎普球场。客场支持者出人意料地接管了主场,导致巴塞罗那改变了欧洲比赛的门票政策。

Premier League vs La Liga

As Manchester City survived an 11-minute stoppage time at the Wanda Metropolitano, and with Liverpool and Benfica’s goal battle tied at 3-3, this season’s Champions League semi-finals were all born. Manchester City and Liverpool from the Premier League, Real Madrid and Villarreal from La Liga will each compete for two tickets to the final. The four teams have different backgrounds and styles, and the coaches’ tactical thinking is also very…

Messi returns to argentina

Messi returned to Argentina to participate in the national team game. He looked ordinary in clothes, but according to Spanish media statistics, his outfit was actually worth more than 8,400 euros. Messi recently took a private jet back to Argentina to participate in the game. He was dragging a green suitcase with a bag in his hand and a bag on his back. Spanish media revealed that Messi’s shirt is…

Real Madrid 4 consecutive victories!

In the 28th round of La Liga in the 2021/22 season, a focus battle began. Real Madrid beat Mallorca 3-0 away, Benzema scored 2 goals and 1 assist, and Vinicius scored. Real Madrid continued to lead after 4 consecutive victories. Real Madrid have only lost 1 game against Mallorca in the past 11 league games, and the remaining 10 games have won 9 and 1 draw. In the 59 league…

巴塞罗那 VS 奥萨苏纳 4-0. 冈萨雷斯停赛!

巴塞罗那在欧联杯中周中对阵加拉塔萨雷的比赛中可能在网前挣扎,但那些进攻困难被抛在了后面,并没有跟随加泰罗尼亚豪门重返联赛。 寻求连续第四次西甲胜利,巴塞罗那从开场哨声到最后一球击败了奥萨苏纳。由于巴塞罗那在诺坎普球场的游客几乎没有抵抗,因此诉讼程序很简单。 尽管存在合同纠纷,奥斯曼·登贝莱还是重新获得了哈维的青睐,他在整个过程中发挥了重要作用,获得了两次助攻,并在奥萨苏纳的左翼防守中被掏空了。 在网前,费兰·托雷斯在开场半小时内梅开二度,皮埃尔-埃默里克·奥巴梅扬在半场结束前上演第三球,而里基·普伊格在巴塞罗那队还剩 15 分钟时攻入一球。 奥萨苏纳以西甲积分榜第 11 位来到诺坎普球场,轻松地远离了危险,但在这场从头到尾的全面失利中,他们几乎没有做出任何抵抗。

Espanyol vs Barcelona 2-2. Luuk de Jong saves Barcelona.

It took until the 96th minute for Luuk de Jong, who came on as a substitute, to get Barcelona back in the game against city rivals Espanyol in La Liga on Sunday. Both teams had a player sent off in the last few minutes. Espanyol looked like they were going to beat Barcelona for the first time in 16 years until De Jong scored from Adama Traore’s cross. Because of…

身高1.73米的17岁巴萨小将 头球破门

本轮西甲,巴萨主场4-2战胜马竞,17岁的加维表现出色。 比赛第21分钟,特劳雷右路传中,加维小禁区前头球破门,帮助巴萨2-1逆转。 身高1.73米的加维头球破门,值得一提的是,17岁零185天的他也成为了马竞史上第二年轻破门的球员,仅次于17岁的131天的劳尔。 第49分钟,加维左路传中被挡出,阿尔维斯禁区边缘凌空抽射入左下角,得分4-1。 赛后,评论对加维做出评价:“他身高只有1.73米,却像巨人一样跳跃,头球破门,帮助球队逆转。这就是这球员的另一个武器,他从未停止过惊叹。而且当球队陷入困境时,他致力于帮助球队保持优势。” 加维现在正在与巴塞罗那谈判续约。目前没有太大进展。巴萨给出的合同并没有达到他的要求,但在他连续出色表现的情况下,巴萨可能会满足他的要求。