Category UEFA Champions League

One shot victory in final from Vinicius

The UEFA official website announced that Venetius was named the Champions League Rookie of the Year this season. In the Champions League final, Vinicius scored the only goal of the game to help Real Madrid win. He has 4 goals and 6 assists in the Champions League this season, most of which came to Benzema. The two are very efficient partners. When Benzema scored, Vinicius showed his speed and creative…

Liverpool Announce Karius Departure

On Thursday, Liverpool confirmed that goalkeeper Karius will leave the club when his contract expires at the end of June. Origi’s departure has also been confirmed by the club, with the striker set to join Serie A champions AC Milan in the coming days. German goalkeeper Karius, 28, has not played once this season. The goalkeeper is famous for making a serious mistake in the Champions League final against Real…

Ronaldo First Appearance On Bench

Portugal drew 1-1 away with Spain in the UEFA Nations League. In this campaign, Ronaldo came off the bench and played for 28 minutes without a shot, no goal or assist. This is also the second time that Ronaldo has been a substitute in the national team in 14 years, and the first time in the past five years. “Goal Net” analyzed why Ronaldo was on the bench. The media…


花了90分钟,但皇马再次证明了自己是欧冠的翻盘王。 在冠军联赛淘汰赛阶段的前几轮对阵切尔西和巴黎圣日耳曼的比赛中,皇马策划了本赛季最令人惊叹的表现。面对第90分钟两球总比分落后,下半场替补罗德里戈在不到两分钟的时间内梅开二度迫使加时赛。 然后,皇马把事情留给了它最可靠的球星。在对巴黎圣日耳曼上演帽子戏法,在对阵切尔西的两回合比赛中打进四球后,本泽马再次为新晋的西班牙冠军提供了压倒性的进球。 在阿提哈德球场的七球首回合惊悚片中,曼城始终领先,但始终未能摆脱皇马。在第二回合,这个公式重演了,曼城错失的机会决定了它的命运,只有第 73 分钟的进球证明了它的努力。 皇马将于 5 月 28 日在巴黎打进欧冠决赛,对阵利物浦。 伯纳乌从一开始就摇摆不定,主场观众在第五分钟几乎被本泽马奖励。这名前锋在球门前的头球攻门有明显的机会,但他的机会在横梁上飙升。 曼城在前 15 分钟由利雅德·马赫雷斯和凯文·德布劳内做出一系列远射,但蒂博·库尔图瓦无法应付。 开局缺乏第一回合的狂热能量和混乱,双方都无法把握好机会。第18分钟,皇马门前似乎再有机会,但维尼修斯再次送出高出横梁的机会。 曼城在第 20 分钟迫使库尔图瓦扑救,当时贝尔纳多席尔瓦的半截击差点扩大了英格兰队的总领先优势。但是比利时人在那里保持比赛没有得分。 虽然曼城在前 40 分钟内有 4 次射门得分,但皇马继续射门偏出。菲尔福登在第 40 分钟再次迫使库尔图瓦采取行动,在曼城防守三分球的一次长距离任意球中快速获得机会,但库尔图瓦保持稳定。 维尼修斯紧随其后,在禁区内再次获得了似乎有潜力的机会,但凯尔·沃克在右后卫的一记精彩停球中展示了他的实力。

Juventus 0-3 Villarreal

Villarreal beat Juventus 3:0 away in the just-ended UEFA Champions League. With a score of 4:1, Villarreal eliminated their opponents and reached the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League. This game is even after you watch the first round, and then look at the coaching styles of the two teams. People fell asleep during the first round of the match between the two teams. Vlahovic’s opening blitz and Parejo’s goal…

马竞和本菲在只赢了3场! 直接进入了八强!

本菲卡在欧冠1/4决赛次回合1-0战胜阿贾克斯,两回合的总比分是3-2晋级1/4决赛。 值得一提的是,本菲卡在本届欧冠联赛中只赢了3场,但他们却已经可以杀入了8强。 在欧冠资格赛中,他们先后淘汰了莫斯科斯巴达和埃因霍温。 欧冠小组赛,本菲卡与巴萨、拜仁和基辅迪纳摩分在一个小组。他们分别以0-4和2-5输给了拜仁,但在对阵巴塞罗那和基辅迪纳摩的比赛中双双1胜1平。 2胜2负击败巴萨晋级。 1/8决赛首回合,他们主场2-2战平阿贾克斯,客场1-0大胜晋级。 马德里竞技队本赛季在欧冠联赛中也只取得了3场胜利,也进入了八强。 马德里竞技与波尔图、AC米兰和利物浦同组。在小组赛中,他们只击败了AC米兰和波尔图,最后时刻小组出线。 1/8决赛首回合,曼联主场1-1战平,客场1-0取胜。 马德里竞技也以8场比赛仅3胜的成绩进入欧冠八强。与此同时,阿贾克斯小组赛获胜,一进入淘汰赛就全数被淘汰出局。

Bayern vs RB Salzburg 7-1. Müller added two goals

In the 1/8 finals of the Champions League knockout, Bayern Munich, which is home to Allianz, slaughtered the Austrian League team Salzburg with a 7-1 score, and also strongly sent itself to the Champions League quarter-finals! After a 1-1 draw by Sabour in the first round, the Nanda King in this game can be said to be full of firepower. He almost killed the suspense with a 4-0 score at…

切尔西主场2-0胜里尔. 哈弗茨+普利西奇进球!

周二,凯·哈弗茨和克里斯蒂安·普利西奇在斯坦福桥的首回合比赛中以 2-0 的比分获胜,切尔西在欧冠 16 强战与里尔的比赛中夺冠。 哈弗茨已经错失了两次好机会,他在 8 分钟后站起来迎接哈基姆·齐耶赫的角球,帮助切尔西领先,虽然里尔在首回合比赛中给人留下了深刻的印象,但当普利西奇跑到 N’ 时,主队将扩大他们的优势。 Golo Kante 的传球击败了 Leo Jardim (63)。 周六切尔西在英超联赛中以 1-0 战胜水晶宫的整整 90 分钟内,罗梅卢·卢卡库 (Romelu Lukaku) 仅进行了 7 次触球,他是一名未使用的替补,因为哈弗茨对假九号角色充满信心。 托马斯·图赫尔(Thomas Tuchel)观看了动画,但他的决定得到了证明,因为欧洲冠军联赛的持有者 – 以及新加冕的俱乐部世界冠军 – 坚决捍卫以保持另一张不失球,但下半场马特奥·科瓦契奇和齐耶赫因伤退赛给球队带来了轻微的挫败感。否则例行的夜晚。 这对搭档现在肯定对周日对阵利物浦的卡拉宝杯决赛表示怀疑,在天空体育直播。尽管在 G 组中仅次于尤文图斯,但这是一个完美的回应,切尔西可以在 3 月 16 日前往法国,在皮埃尔-莫罗伊球场进行回程,感觉他们已经在四分之一决赛中有一只脚。


国际米兰在欧冠1/4决赛首回合0-2负于利物浦。虽然球队输了,但国米主帅西蒙尼·因扎吉认为他的球队踢出了最高水平。 赛后,西蒙尼-因扎吉说:“很难评价这样的失利,我为今晚每个人的表现感到非常自豪。我们的球队踢得非常好,尤其是下半场的前25分钟。我必须得分。” “我很遗憾球队没有得到球迷想要的结果,但考虑到我们对阵的对手,这可能是我们本赛季最好的一场比赛。” 国米主帅显然不甘输球队:“比赛胜负看细节,菲尔米诺的头球是今晚的分水岭。但这样的表现足以给我们信心,因为我们打得更好,我们不是时候失去了,但这就是足球。” 国际米兰前锋哲科说:“我们竭尽全力,在90分钟内做到了最好,但这还不够。这不是一个积极的结果,但让我们拭目以待。”

Man United vs Brighton 2-0. No goals in 6 six games for Ronaldo

There were no more goals for Cristiano Ronaldo or for Manchester United after a 2-0 victory over Brighton on Tuesday night at Old Trafford. A Bruno Fernandes goal in second-half stoppage time gave Man United their first league win since Jan. 22. Even though Brighton had 10 men after a red card in the 53rd minute, Man United still gave their fans a fright. Ralf Rangnick’s team moves up to…