失去理智!C罗三脚踢人泄愤吃黄牌sp-adminOctober 27, 2021Premier League 曼联主场0比5惨败给了利物浦。比赛中C罗也一度失去了理性。上半场补时阶段,C罗射门被利物浦门将阿利松封出,利物浦中场琼斯拿球,C罗上前逼抢,C罗先是直接一脚将对方放倒,接着又补踢了一脚,虽然是踢球,但动作明显过大。主裁判判罚C罗犯规,利物浦球员也冲上去要为琼斯讨说法。最终C罗吃到了一张黄牌。评论员张路表示:“他实际上踢了三脚,第一脚把对方踢倒,第二脚直接踢对方身上,第三脚抡圆了踢球,看似踢球,实际上是在泄愤!” Previous Post Bayern Munich was unstoppable. Can anyone stop them? Next Post Barcelona's Sergio Aguero experience chest pain, admit to hospital for a cardiac exam.
Manchester United has won six consecutive home games for the first time in five years, only one point behind the top four. December 28, 2022